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Fact Checks

Fact-checks are posts of format: fact-check. Fact-checks have all the features available in a regular post (format: default) and are extended to add features specific to fact-checking. Fact-Check can include claims and images. New fact-check can be created from the Fact-Checks menu by clicking on the New Fact-Check button on the right side.

The user can start writing fact-check using an editor which is a rich text editor. It makes embedding images, links, or any related content very easy.

The user can directly publish or can save it as a draft. The user can also mark the post as ready to Publish.

Each post created has status from any of the following.

  • Draft
  • Published
  • Ready to Publish

To save as draft click on the Save button on the right and to save as Ready to Publish; before clicking on the Save button make sure Ready to Publish is checked. To publish the Fact-Check click on the Publish button. Only the user who is either an admin or has the permission to publish can publish the fact-check.

Once the post is created, templates can be created from the post which can be used for future fact-checks. Templates are created by clicking on the Create Template button. New Fact-checks can be created from templates by clicking on any of the templates available from the Templates section which is at the top of the Fact-check page.

The user can add information about the fact-check by clicking on the Settings button.

  • Featured Image - An image that is a pictorial representation of the content and can also be used as a thumbnail for the fact-check.
  • Excerpt - Brief description of the post
  • Tags - This allows users to add or assign tags to the post
  • Categories - This allows users to add or assign categories to the post
  • Claims - This allows users to add claims to the post. The user can either select from the existing list of claims or can create a new claim by clicking on the Add claim button. When clicked on the Add Claim button, a modal popup opens to add in details about the claim. A Fact-check can have multiple claims.
  • Authors - This allows users to add the author of the post
  • Published Date - The date of publishing for the fact-check. If not entered automatically takes the current date when clicked on the Publish button.

SEO Metadata#

Apart from the basic information, extra data can be added such as SEO metadata. SEO metadata includes title, description, and canonical URL. It can be added by clicking on the Add MetaData button.


There is also a provision to add more information about the fact-check if the field is not included in the form. The user can use the Metafields section by clicking on the Add Meta Fields button to feed in extra data as a JSON object.

Code Injection#

Customizing the header and footer specific to a post can be done by adding code in the Code Injection section by clicking on the Code Injection button.


Schema is generated automatically in the backend. This will be available in the Schema Section.

All the fact-checks will be available under the Fact-Check menu. The list shows fact-checks with their categories, tags, and status. Three options are available: Edit, Quick Edit, and Delete.

To simplify the search for a fact-check, filter and sort options are available. Click on the More filters button right next to the New Fact-Check button to see the available filters. Available filters are Tags, Categories, Status, Authors.

The quick edit option helps to quickly edit any fact-check post settings such as tags, categories, authors, claims, status, published date, title, etc.

To view the total number of Fact-Checks, click on the Dashboard menu. It shows total Fact-checks as well as a count of Fact-Checks that are: draft, published, and ready to publish.


The default policies for the fact-checks are:

  • Editor and Admin have the permission to read, create, update, delete and publish the fact-checks.
  • Author and Contributor have the permission to read, create and update the fact-checks. Apart from the default policies, the admin can customize the policies from Policies Menu.


The defined events for the fact-checks to trigger notification are:

Create PostTriggered when a post is added
Update PostTriggered when a post is edited
Delete PostTriggered when a post is deleted
Create TemplateTriggered when a template is created
Publish PostTriggered when a post is published
Unpublish PostTriggered when a post is unpublished
Ready PostTriggered when a post is saved as Ready to Publish

These events can be registered while creating a webhook. These Events can be configured from Events menu.